PPP Loan Forgiveness Issue: Rehire Offer is Rejected

As states begin to lift stay-at-home orders, businesses are taking steps to return to a normal schedule and pattern of employment. While some employees welcome this opportunity, some employees will refuse to return to work, particularly if they are making more money through the coronavirus stimulus bill that currently provides an extra $600.00 per week paid by the federal government through July 31, plus expanded state unemployment benefits for up to 39 weeks.

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Are payroll tax deferrals imminent? | Consolidated Human Resources

On August 8th, President Trump signed an Executive Order to defer payroll tax obligations in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. This Executive Order directs the Treasury Department to defer the collection of the employee portion of Social Security FICA taxes from September 1st through the end of 2020. While this deferral will temporarily increase employee checks, the deferred taxes may have to be repaid unless Congress enacts legislation stating otherwise.

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Request for Emergency Paid Sick Leave or Expanded FMLA

To request emergency paid sick or expanded FMLA leave as provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, please fully complete the following request form and submit to your manager as soon as possible before leave commences. Verbal/phone notice will be accepted. Your manager will complete the form. However, you must provide the information and documentation needed and sign the form. A text message and photo of documents are fully acceptable.

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The Re-opening Post COVID-19 Employer Guide

As Businesses Re-open and Try to Return to Normal Operations…

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused havoc to the normal existence of many businesses. Employers have had to make severe staffing and operational changes and even, in some instances, close businesses to adjust to the declining economic and health conditions.
Thankfully, a lot of businesses are finding that with the help of the Paycheck Protection Program and the continuing leveling off of COVID-19-related cases, the government and business economic situations are loosening many former business restrictions that were put in place during the apex of the pandemic. As such, many businesses are re-opening, up staffing and hoping to return to some semblance of normality. However, given that the COVID-19 virus has not been fully-eradicated and the risk of exposure is still in existence, employers need to remain cautious in how they return.
Every business is different and what works for one business, may not be the most effective and efficient way for another. In any case, there is now a new “normal” for the foreseeable future and some specific considerations are required. We’ve pulled together some resources and information for you, so you’re ready to return to business.
Consolidated Human Resources reduces the complexity and risk associated with managing payroll, 401K, healthcare, compliance, and business insurance needs.

Paycheck Protection Plan Loan Forgiveness

Congress created the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES”) to provide forgivable loans to eligible businesses facing economic hardship during the COVID-19 crisis.

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CDC Recommends Shortened Quarantine Period

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends a 14-day quarantine as the best way to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, they have indicated that reducing the number of days quarantine can be applied in some cases. Click below for full details on the new guidelines.

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