Human resources for 2020—and beyond | Consolidated Human Resources

A new year and decade are here and in a way your business has a blank slate to work with over the next 12 months. January is a great time to plan, organize, augment, and implement systems to make your business run with greater efficiency and to hit those target goals you’ve set for 2020. As with any industry, there are new trends on the horizon for human resources—we gather the most relevant ones here so you can take a prescient approach to your HR services.

Holistic human resources

The HR Trend Institute names holistic HR as the top trend for 2020. While technology is undoubtedly at the forefront of HR, it doesn’t thrive without a human touch and a holistic approach places value on letting the bots and people each do what they do best—what the Institute calls “combining intuition and thorough analytics”. Another key element of this approach is that it considers the input and organizational objectives of all stakeholders, beyond only management, to gain strategic and operational vision.

People come first

To expand on our first trend further, a strong culture and happy employees are vital to productivity and success. According to Forbes, “highly engaged employees are 21% more productive. Seventy-three percent of disengaged employees are actively looking for jobs, compared with 37% of engaged employees.” A strong culture starts with the onboarding process and in 2020, it’s essential to streamline processes so your teams can focus on what matters most—growth. 

More remote opportunities 

There’s no denying that globalization is a major trend and with the ability to attract talent on a global scale, teams are becoming increasingly diverse and far-reaching. With this trend comes the challenge of engaging remote workers and incorporating them into the office culture so they feel like a valuable extension of the team. Read more on engaging your remote workers here.

Chatbots bring efficiency 

Chatbots will become an even stronger HR team member in 2020. From employee onboarding, answering FAQs, and assisting with day-to-day processes, chatbots are like a digital HR manager. And, with the increase of remote workers, chatbots can be programmed in a range of languages to simplify communication. 

Navigating with compassion

It’s a different work environment than ever before and with the increasing demand for work-life balance and a new generation of workers who put a high priority on simple gestures of kindness—think welcome swag gifts, birthdays off, transparency, and authenticity—instilling a culture of kindness into your overall HR philosophy can go a long way this year, and beyond. 

Consolidated Human Resources (CHR) 

We’re leaders in helping businesses reduce the complexity and risks associated with managing all elements of a company’s payroll, 401K, healthcare, compliance, and insurance needs. For over 25 years, our team has been helping small and mid-size businesses across the globe spend less time dealing with the hassles of HR, and more time growing and building their business. Learn more at