Are You Compliant with Remote Employee Posting Requirements?

Avoid Hefty Fines and Lawsuits with Our Labor Law

ePoster Service


Employers are legally obligated to make mandatory labor law notices available to their entire workforce and this obligation extends to remote employees. Finally, there is a comprehensive compliance solution engineered specifically for remote employees and non- traditional worksites.

Here Are Just a Few of the Features:

  • Digital Service Accessed thru Online Platform
  • White Labeled with Your Logo (Optional)
  • Pay As You Go Subscription
  • Federal, State, County and City Notices plus Updates
  • Backed by a $25,000 ‘We Pay the Fine’ Guarantee
  • Certificate of Acknowledgment Feature Included (eSignatures)

Electronic postings do not replace paper posting requirements; you must still display physical copies of labor law notices applicable to your business in locations where all employees can easily see them.

Activate Your ePoster Service Upgrade Now!

Your Labor Law Poster Compliance Service from CHR now includes access to ePosterService for remote employees at no additional cost to you.

Scan the QR code to get started